The Retreat
The Experience
Tantra - Awakening the multidimensional sensory body into new divine temples of creation
You are the alter, and your body is the temple - how you self express, and soften in allowance of the body's natural rhythmic flow of divine pleasure to move through you, will forever change the way you connect to sensory touch, pleasure, pain, and erotic orgasmic flow will bring you to places of the sensory explosion that only really can be felt not intellectualized.
Welcome to Tantra, Awakening the multidimensional sensory body divine temples of creation expressions of interest for the 2025/2026 calendar year.
To join the waitlist, please ensure you have a grounded comprehension of Tantra being a self-devotional immersion before it is a tapestry of divine elevation in intimacy with a lover, beloved, or sacred other, not some pseudo-Tantric teachings.
The primordial principles of Roxanne's ancient wisdom are deeply intimate and participants can anticipate small group settings due to the high level of vulnerability, body comfortability, and expression of sacred sexuality being spoken into existence through Roxanne's extensive hands-on stewardship.
The deep respect for Yoni mapping, yoni and lingam exploration, devotion, and sensuous massage that is held in the intricacy of self-exploration foreplay as much as shared with a lover, beloved is a foundational teaching in this creational space.
Tantra, tantric expression is a devotional multidimensional love language in itself that is all about slowing down and being intensionally present in breath, heart, mind, body, and arousal unifying the Earth beneath you, with you and elevating into cosmic connectivity beyond you in arousal, sublimation and control of breath that once you experience this level of sacred sexuality in inner intimacy the way you orgasm will forever change the way you choose to be intimate with a lover.
Somatic touch, breath, and sensual exploration are core aspects of this immersive 3 and 5-day inclusive retreat offerings. Both the separate 3 and 5-day sacred immersive retreats offer different levels of restorative self-actualized practices for the self and share in powerful sacred soulful expression.
Tantra or tantric exploration has been widely documented through Eastern philosophy since the early 6th century stemming from southern Asia (India) however its doctrine has been wildly regurgitated through the ages across the Western world with many misconceptions and articulated as a way of sexual practice in intimacy for orgasmic pleasure when its so much more than this. Tantra or tantric pleasure is not yielded in holding a yogic position to gain arousal or orgasmic pleasure only. How deeply you can allow yourself to connect to your body arousal plays an important role in how you can also guide another in learning your body's sensory map as a delicious wonderland.
Sublimation of breath, channeling breath throughout the body consciously is a very big part of energetic connectivity to the sensory body and the ability to move orgasmic pleasure throughout the body without physical touch ever occurring. Reaching these states of ecstasy takes devotion, purity of channel, and deep reverence for the body as a sacred vessel.
The depth of the meditative state birthed within your sovereignty plays a significant role in how you can be deeply rooted and present in the ability to sublimate breath and hold positions of pleasure and purity while reaching states of orgasmic pleasure as you then can guide another, sacred other, lover - beloved into the inner weaving of unity in tantric exploration. You will need to have a very established meditation and breath work practice to gain maximum investment of energy to truly connect to the high-value exchange of Roxanne's wisdom, facilitation, and self-actualized tools of exploration for participation in either the 3 or 5-day retreat setting.
The body is a wondrous map of delight that when through Tantric expression brought into slowing down how to connect to the bodies sensuous arousal points, the way you feel the heightened erotic sensations comes alive at such heightened elevation that through the control of breath, eye gazing, presence and connection the electrical current that stimulates from the root chakra to the heart complex back through sublimation of drawing the energy back through and up through the crown chakra, allowing for the continuous flow of the expansed consciousness breathe the altered sacred states of conscious reached is extraordinary, the ability to slow down or increase intensity of pleasure all the while being very present to the wildness of the natural state of pleasure being held in the body is truly a expression of sacred sensuality and sexuality to be revered and experienced first hand to innerstand the power of sexual expression through deep meditative states whilst honouring your body as the temple, the upmost divine alter of life.
As in alignment with all of Roxanne's powerful teachings and facilitation, deep respect is held honouring all participants attending, given this retreat offering is a highly intimate offering with limited spots open annually and that each individual/ couple brought into the retreat space will be vetted in the integrity to ensure deep respect for all other participants attending for honouring the level of vulnerability explored in a shared space. As such over the years, heightened emotions can rise to the surface as boundaries, safety, pleasure, pain, sexual identity, and expression are all part of the beautiful tapestry of exploring the body as a wonderland in a deeply safe sacred container.
Roxanne leads with these core principles as someone who has practiced Tantra and tantric pleasure over the last decade and the way it's facilitated is in the sovereignty of each individual as a powerful place of residence that must be honoured at all times. To make love to yourself, is an honour, to share in that divine alter expression is sacred.
To register an expression of interest, fill in the form below and a member of Roxanne's team will advise when new dates become available to apply to attend.