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The Rewilding       Retreat


Embrace Your Love



The            Experience


Love is by far the most profound, exquisite and patient exchange any two souls in human mastery can fully allow in divine receivership through intensional co-creational reciprocal passion that extends well beyond the sheets, when held, watered, and nurtured correctly cannot only go the distance however can rewire the heart, brain, body, and soul in ways that are truly what the human experience is all about. Welcome to The Rewilding Love Retreat - Reunifying The Sacred Union Shared Between Two Lovers.


To love unbridled, to love without limitation not only who you are to yourself, however to the most sacred intimate union you share with another, a lover or beloved partner is a gift of creation unto itself.


Whilst the Hollywood narrative of romcom movies depicts a narrative of love, it's not reality. It's a falsified recount of romanticism that doesn't reflect real human connection, life ebbs and flows, and humanity in longevity that can be tenderly nurtured when rooted in presence, patience, and clarity that love bombing, unhealthy attachments, unhealed trauma, projections and expectation that someone else must service your needs in union when it is the full responsibility of serving your own needs in life and light so you can show up and be accountable in the union to love another fully, as they are where they are - one must love self first.


You can love externally whilst still learning to love all of yourself, from the deepest darkest shadows to the glistening golden aspects you proudly share with the world, however, the love you hold for yourself should never cease because you are in union with another. Your identity should never be lost in translation because you share your body, heart, mind, life, or bed with another.


Roxanne has spent the last decade stewarding individuals in coming to deepen, soften, and take self-accountability in how they self-steward life, however most importantly how they take full accountability in their most intimate unions, romantic unions with how they view, hold, and show up in the power of love. As such Roxanne has curated this REWILDING relationship sacred container to aid individuals and couples alike to immerse themselves in coming back to simplicity, purity, and intensionality while healing the heart, expanding communication pathways, and removing barriers that encroach in unions from losing sight of what brought two extraordinary souls together in the first instance, to heal, love and grow in all ways, not just in one-dimensional reality.


Through radical self-honesty, when was the last time you asked yourself what made your partner, lover, or life partner the person who stopped you in your tracks and wanted to ride with them?


What attributes were you seeking when you began dating and how much has that shifted? Have you ever reflected on witnessing yourself, your sacred other, and witnessed you are not the same people who entered the union however you still expect them to show up a certain way without expecting that of yourself first and foremost through your own accountability and self-actualized growth healing?


Electricity is birthed in fluid momentum when two individuals pursue a relationship through curious inquiry, self, and shared exploration through the core values, beliefs, boundaries, lifestyles, visions, purpose, and culture, family with personal legacy weaving is the space when hearts alight and passions burn bright in cosmic mirroring of unifying two souls to explore the pathway of unity, commitment, monogamy, and intensionality regardless of self sacred sexual identity and divine intelligence expression....until individual identities merge and often couples lose themselves in the union, forgetting to keep romancing each other beyond the honey moon period.


The desires that magnetically bring two individuals together are reflections in the energetics of where individually they seek growth within their divine temples of sacred expression regardless if they are consciously aware of it or not. As such, the very attributes that are initially attractive can also become contentious points of conflict in relationships if not intentionally worked on to heal individually through self-healing mastery as any unmet wounds, trauma, or conflict an individual has before the union doesn't bleed into the union. When healing, self-healing is not a priority and life happens communication pathways begin to falter, passion fades and presence with each other is not as intense. Patterns of becoming too comfortable seep in and the allure of life's demands overshadows why two incredible souls choose each other in the instance.


As humans we date, marry, partner, and share life to the level of healing with those to whom we have addressed our inner trauma level. Nothing more, nothing less. So if we are resistant to change, resistive to sitting in big emotions, being emotionally available, vulnerable, or accountable in dismantling inherited wounds, trauma, or generational dysfunction then we will meet it in our most tender, intimate, and even yes provocative unions between the sheets as much as with strangers on the streets.


If the two individuals coming into the union were not emotionally developed in emotional intelligence before the union, it will become very polarized and evident once in union with each other, meaning that if either party is very mentally body driven, asking the reflection of the partnership steeped in empathy, compassion and consideration shared will feel a stretch with not feeling seen, heard or understood often due to living form the mental body, the mental plane with a resisting in sitting in the emotional body, big feels for fears around how to hold oneself, let alone being able to witness the partner/lovers emotional cues, desires, opinions or even unmet unresolved big feels in anyone now moment.


When communication pathways begin to fade, eyes wander, and the way one seeks out connection shifts, keeping in sight that we love to the level of our own healed heart, availability and clarity in knowing who we are to ourselves fully so we know who we are independent of ourselves in the union to another.


Connection to another romantically is one of the purest forms of love shared between two people, however it's also not a set-and-forget mechanism.

Divine union is an accelerator of growth when tenderly revered in this space and watered in ways that are deeply rooted in reciprocation, not conditionality.


Romantic unions require commitment, conscious elevated daily walking, choosing, and compassion for understanding to inner-stand each other's ever-changing needs, wants, desires, plans, visions, dreams, and healing from a personal level to a unified level. This must be spoken into existence when individuals become couples.


"The focus should always be, you focus on your healing, personal growth, and accountability, through said focus, I then can be accountable for mine as we both build a clear vision for the direction, intention, and shared life, purpose, and longevity we seek to experience together'.


Roxanne has discovered the reality of the above statement is not where individuals meet themselves or each other in the union when two individuals go into a committed relationship. Largely because everyone wants to rush the getting to know each other phase, as a merit of solidifying life as doing life right.


Rushing getting to know the wrong person, will always turn out to be a lesson in what you do not want to feel in union to self or life, in safety emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and energetically.


Safety is one of the core rooted exchanges often left unsaid in a union shared with another, yet in reality, it transcends in transparency that to feel safe in the union is to be fully seen in the union without contraction, condition, or expectation to be anything other than ones full self in all ways.


Rewilding relationships is set in the foundational awareness of coming to know where your energy sits, radiates, and where the next person you share light and life with begins. Knowing and owning your own full self-actualized identity in all fluid flowing ways.


One of the core foundational exchanges Roxanne's stewardship provides is her innate ability to simplify where boundaries have been created from the trauma body, not the self-empowered liberated god sovereign free expression of the soul in commune with another through the multidimensional tapestry of connection. Through these intricacies, Roxanne aids individuals to rewild the inner mapping of re-writing cellular consciousness mapping in identifying what real healed boundaries are vs barriers of resistance, unnatural flow, and contraction when building a living legacy in union with another.


Roxanne can give self actualize contextual eventual clarity to individuals in this rewilding relationship stewardship to refine beliefs that are steeped in purity, removed from projections, societal imprints that reflect the true core identity of each individual as unique powerful individuals through the re-inner unification of the god seed, christ code and divine soul blueprint of creation to come to witness the soul as much as the human expression removed from fear however held in faith.

At these intersections, Roxanne's servant stewardship takes individuals through a deep dive into rewilding the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual clarity needed to be self-accountable in the divine union without self-breadcrumbing, self-gaslighting or compromising the self at the expense of self to be in partnership for the sake of partnership.


The unparalleled ability to assist participants to build clear foundations over and over again through the rewilding, by way of removing any insidious imprinting or lack of self-actualized self-loving language is at the forefront of why REWILDING RELATIONSHIPS - Reunifying THE UNION SHARED is such a potent container for any intensional couple looking to come back into divine reciprocation through living, loving and building together in healed balanced unity completely removed from any levels of previously held dichotomy.


The nature of this stewardship container focal points covered do congruently reflect theme specifics chosen by Roxanne as she wields these intensive retreats. Registration for the waitlist is encouraged by anyone seeking to restore not only their self-leadership accountability in the union however also through a multidimensional healing experience in an unparalleled divine union with another that is life-affirming, love-affirming, and deeply honouring.


Themes previously explored, emotional intelligence, sacred sexual identity, leaky sexual energy, non-monogamous unions, and open relating to the unhealed unmet needs of an individual.


Open relationships are the foundation of unmet needs, unprocessed trauma, and commitment issues not being met, however also not choosing self.


As a trailblazer in conscious relating, Roxanne's stewardship is a cornerstone in how she holds accountability and recognizes that those who feel the call to witness themselves and a beloved, sacred other in this setting are not looking for mediocrity in love, are looking to fully emancipate not only themselves in the wildness of the heart however to deeply share that on all fronts with the most significant other they can share their own body as a temple of light, a barometer of truth, for we all can live consciously, intentionally with all matters of the heart - especially the one wielding our own.


To register for the waitlist for 2025/ 2026 retreat dates please fill in the contact form below. Your presence in life and light is remarkable, you owe it to yourself to love unbridled, removed from any preconceived notions that keep you in stasis that to love is hard - when loving is the most organic natural expression you are here to fully receive, witness, and share.

The          Offerings


The Testimonials


“In a word - REGENERATIVE. Excuse the all caps but it truly is how I've felt since. All week leading up, there was something brewing inside of me, a sense of ease and joy and at peace with the massive uncertainty in my life right now. After the session, the feeling was solidified as if a major shift occurred and I felt at peace as to what's to come. In fact, excited for what's to come and ready to meet it."

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