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Roxanne is a globally recognized Luminary, Inspirer, Celestial Guide, Celestial and Generational Earth Shaman, Creator of SoullularHealing, Creator of The Illumination Retreat®, Oracle of The Divine Golden Order, Host of Soul to Soul with Roxanne.


Roxanne’s purpose is to lead beautiful Souls to effectively illuminate their Soul’s Luxuriance. Roxanne is an advocate for “Being Your Own Spiritual Master”, she brings the abundant universal knowledge of full spiritual embodiment in connecting to the most divine creations while fully accessing an infinite source of intelligence, love and knowingness.


She has successfully guided thousands of beautiful Souls to connect with their most Divine Essence by teaching them to alchemize and harmonize their internal medicines and experiences so that they can effectively heal and create everything they desire for their life while experiencing sensations of enlightened knowingness, unconditional Love and unwavering inner peace throughout their Journey.


Since she was a little girl, she felt enlightenment in her Soul that she was directly connected to the Angelic lineages and that she was meant to do something tremendously impactful to help guide others towards their true knowingness. She has always known in some facet that she was a Luminary in which she was later acknowledged as The Angel of Light designed to help shift others to an incredible positive energetic vibration and pure love for oneself. 


Further in life, she was later called by her ancestral Indigenous lineage in dream state to pull the wisdom of her ancestry and to guide Souls to achieve full embodiment coherence by healing within their intellectual, physiological, ethereal, emotional, astral, cosmic and spiritual bodies, this calling was followed by an initiation of the Elder Shaman within the Metis Tribal Community to affirm that it was time to apply her ancestral gifts, this was affirmation that she was created to guide beautiful Souls to heal, find their Soul’s highest calling so that they may elevate and embody the purest essence of who they are with pure infinite Love.


She experienced the channelling of universal light languages, teachings of wisdom throughout the eventful Journeys that have transpired throughout her Life, and it was within those moments that she discovered the power of her incredible Light and a profound knowingness of herself. 


What makes Roxanne a distinctive Celestial+Generational Earth Shaman are the modalities that she offers in collaboration with the Ancient Wisdom and Teachings of the Indigenous Medicine Men/Women such as Ancient Traditional Medicines, Energy Healing in culmination with the interwoven modalities and teachings of Lemurian Reiki and her direct connection to the Light.


Furthermore, she felt that it was of high importance to understand the layers of our being at all levels to better serve the Collective and therefore additionally attained certifications in the following, Life Purpose Coach, Transformational Life Coach, Cognitive Behaviour Coach, Confidence Life Coach, Emotional Intelligence Coach, Enlightened Relationship Coach, Law of Attraction Coach, Forgiveness Coach, Master NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, Hypnotherapist Practitioner, Reiki Master Practitioner, Shaman Practitioner.


With her experiences and expertise you will learn that you are truly LIMITLESS!

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