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The Sacred            Retreat


Surrender Your Love



The            Experience


You are the temple, your body is the altar, welcome to The Sacred Sexuality Retreat.


How you reveer this space is well within your innate propensity of self-honouring integrity. How you learn to come back to the zero point field of reunifying the inner harmonics of both the sacred feminine flow and the wildness of your masculine roar comes into harmony by way of how you tend to your garden of Eden through the holy passage of removing all weeds that do not honour, respect or hold you in the temple light, giving sacred reverence to your body as a alter.


A sacred synergy of light that to touch its outer reflections one must first earn access to its innermost revered secrets of the universe, your own god seed, divine purity, and sanctuary where the Creatrix and Creator in you manifest your earthly wild desires as your soul speaks in hues of golden kingdoms igniting the untapped fire within stirring to rise once more from the temple fires of creation. 


The temple fires of creation sit not only within the womb of universal creation where we as individuals can traverse back to these innate inner mysteries through soul sovereignty reclamation, however they connect to our universal true creator umbilicus cord unified to Mother - Father Arc, God where we can ignite newfound layers of kundalini connectivity of our soul seed, the divine blueprint of creation that is uniquely ours whilst interconnected into the universal fabric of embodied purified crystalline consciousness.


The seat of the soul speaks in hues of gold when it's ready to ignite the temple path and inner fire chambers of light to rewire, reclaim, and reunify the purity that touches your body. Through the connectivity of deep exploration the ability to connect to not only your somatic connectivity in physicality, the transcendence envelops a soul signature that reflects your true Creator-Creatrix light that ushers in anew. 


Teaching the world around you how to honour, revere, and respect all that you are, by who you identify as through not only your innate unique soul solar consciousness however your complete human expression in the world as a conscious Creator-Creatrix, community member, divine masculine, divine feminine, son, daughter, lover, partner, parent, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, niece or nephew, grandson, granddaughter. 


This is an important expression that sacred sexuality is not how it is conveyed in the outer world of connection to intimacy. True intimacy is an emotional, spiritual reciprocal unity for it's ever anything physical in unity to another, completely removed from sexualization or gratification of the physical body. 


The sexualization and obsessiveness of demoralization of what it is to be human, as a man or woman, an androgynous conscious soul returning to your true human expression that feels liberating, self-honouring, and how you wish the world around you celebrate you, co-create with you and build a better world with you. Far greater than the world you inherited that has not honoured you. 


Androgynous energy has been deeply misconstrued by mainstream media which has distorted how humanity collectively connects to this consciousness and conscious mapping of soul dignity, sovereignty, and divine expression. As such the androgynous energy that has been so deeply distorted throughout humanity to create fear around your true identity through split inverted systems of manipulation, control, consumption, and ideology that you can only be one gender, when in fact you have always been two merged in purity of unity from the moment of soul creation, a divine reflection of God experiencing itself.


Through media and sociology manipulation with triangulation through subliminal messaging, religious war divisional doctrine inciting civil segregation amongst humanity has deeply wounded the way humanity receives and respects each other. As such millions of souls around the world have found themselves conflicted with their own sexual sacred identity and how they connect to that on the daily. 


We can find fault in anything in life if we constantly keep seeking out the dysfunction of sexual identity and sexual self-expression or when we connect in honouring purity of sexual expression and self-identity is taking the necessary time to remove indoctrinated falsified beliefs that are met in sexual slavery, misogyny and persecution to shameful pitting of individual into some form of submission that who they are or how they identify who they are is wrong, when who you are - all that you are is powerful when healed in the highest light that is removed from parasitic overlays trying to deny you your true creator, god experiencing god through you as the divine director of conscious light. 


When we build connections with others, we first meet them in the cross-pollination of unmet trauma, the yin, and the yang in how we see, feel hold, and process our own identity to who we are, how we are perceived we are and the comic reflections of how others have until this moment met us in intimacy, emotional vulnerability, innermost shadow light to all the layers of sexual self-expression when clothes are off. 


The way we receive love as much as we are open to gifting, sharing, and expressing love can be met in unrequited connections in all forms of intimacy and sexual identity, or it can be intensionally healed in ways of removing the depletion of old by creating the new to hold oneself in higher regard, deep dignity and sovereignty that to heal any aspect of loves light to the eternal embers of your own zero point field of androgynous unified sacred harmonic divine masculine and divine feminine flow is the initiation of coming home to yourself in full ownership of who you are, in light and shade, human and soul with every reverberation in between. 


When unmet trauma is shared between two people, particularly in sexual intimacy the bleed-through of leaky sexual energy rises and is often met in deep enmeshment of rapid sexual connectivity that can look euphoric however is often very promiscuous, non-self-honouring, or dignified where not respecting your own body let alone the temple of another. 


Whether you have held awareness in this now moment to how the wielding power of your soul lights a sexual, sacred intimacy shared with another that when you perceive someone as a fantastic lover or sexual partner when the imbalance of energy is in flow, energetic leeching or energetic vampirism unfolds that when you retract your sacred seed, pranic flow, and life force light form toxic enmeshment even when the connection is fleeting you will see how it is, in fact, your sacred sexuality and raw power that made the intimacy what it was. The euphoria, however also witnessing yourself in where you may find yourself contracted and unable to open yourself up to sexual partners is held in where you hold wounding and trauma that may not reflect the lived wisdom of this life, however the plethora of ancient lives lived of your soul's magnitude. 


It is often seen as easy to speak to the parts of what pains an individual around self-expression, self-worth, and self-acceptance when in fact it's a passage that requires patience, persistence, and forgiveness over and over again, meeting each layer at a time with self-compassion, humility, and grace that all humans experience an intimacy that is not for their highest good. 


This is done through soul cellular mapping to remind the soul in human expression what it is to be a child of Christ's light, how the seed of your orgasm leaves energetic imprints upon another regardless of how you self-identify your sexual orientation in expressing sexual intimacy. These through of imprinting are also a reflection of every person and every individual you have ever shared orgasm with has also received the unprocessed unmet unhealed wounds of every other individual they have slept with or held any form of sacred seed release with sits in the sacral chakra, womb, lingam, cervix, ovaries, pelvis, groin and scrotum both in etheric as much as in density of physicality. That's the wielding power of how enmeshment of energetic imprints have over our connection to sacred sexual identity that whilst we have our perceptions we carry the wounding of others tethered to our temples of light. 


To understand this is to also understand that we have transmitted to us through the parental conception of our human incarnation wherever either parent has not worked on unmet unhealed trauma this is transferred and imprinted through the cellular mapping of the formation of the egg - our human incarnation of insemination, creation, and incubation as we are birthed as a soul to human light. 


When we heal generational, intergenerational trauma to sexual identity its connection is never one-dimensional. 


Energetic hygiene, the integrity of honouring one person when intimate, or opening yourself up for emotional intimacy can fall short when one person is more invested than the other. This is important to remember in knowing your worth by the rewilding of coming to review your beliefs, boundaries, and access to you that is created not from pain and suffering of your trauma body however held in the regenesis of self-created safety, congruency, and consistency that how you teach the world to honour you is how you honour yourself first and foremost.


Roxanne has held thousands through these sacred passages of healing the temple to honour the alter of life and light of the harmonics in what it is to be a divine light, earth angel and starseed, warrior, defender, and protector of the peace of universal wisdom is to meet yourself in the continuous flow of meeting yourself in witnessing yourself as god experience god in wholeness in your own unique sacred identity in all ways. 


Sacred sovereignty in sacred sexual connectivity is a 7-10 day group dynamic facilitation that meets the multifaceted directional stewardship that speaks to different elements of sacred sexuality and self-identity through embodied self-expression.


For each retreat, Roxanne chooses a theme to deeply immerse in with unity to sacred sexuality and identity that invokes a deep regenesis of self actuality self liberty, rewiring of the brain synapsis and cortisol metabolic responses, Merkaba, torrid field and divine blue sovereign template of creation of your soul's sovereignty where the peak of your receivership will be met in how you readily lean into cleansing your ownership of your temple of light, as you are the alter.


The restoring of your zero point field and neutrality of your sovereignty is to live in the integrity of your entirety without diminishing any aspect of your truest expression in whatever honouring that needs to be in our unified world, for the world benefits from your authenticity - it commands it when you show up for yourself and learn to love all you are through the temple path honouring every element of your god seed, god self, and divine spark. 


This passage is fated for someone who is already sat in the energetics of wanting to shift the inner to the outer landscape of connection to who they are and how they choose to honour all that they are in self-expression through self-actualized healing. To inquire about your attending the next retreat please fill in the contact questionnaire so Team Roxanne can make contact with you to discuss your participation and divine receivership that is facilitated. 


It is an honour to walk an individual through sacred sexuality, sovereign sexuality, and self-honouring self-expression a passage in which when the individual is deeply ready to receive its unbridled receivership is profound that how you hold yourself will be dignified by how you allow others access to you and with you in all ways.

The            Offerings


The Testimonials


“In a word - REGENERATIVE. Excuse the all caps but it truly is how I've felt since. All week leading up, there was something brewing inside of me, a sense of ease and joy and at peace with the massive uncertainty in my life right now. After the session, the feeling was solidified as if a major shift occurred and I felt at peace as to what's to come. In fact, excited for what's to come and ready to meet it."

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