The sacred Fire of Life is one of the charisms given directly from the Creator to our Earth Mother, where she in essence gifts us the Fire Spirit who serves as the conduit spirit of healing transmutation and communication for all, she continually gifts us with her elemental healing spirits of FIRE, Water, Wind and Earth, in which these spirits are given with sacred reverent intentionality in weaving the interconnectiveness to all earthly existence as they are the elemental divine essence of our earth mother.
Within the expression of their interconnectedness, the elemental spirits naturally facilitate profound periods of rebirthing, transfiguration and transformation in what is no longer serving the next elevation of our evolutionary growth.
When we are in deep need of restorativeness and rejuvenation, the most profound resets are within the elemental surroundings, absorptions and immersions of the healing wisdom deriving from the Great Spirits of nature, as earth mother’s purest gifts are within the facilitation of profound nourishment to all earthly life, powerfully reminding us that we are not a mere extension of she, we are the soul weaved embodied essence in which she so powerfully is.
Throughout the ancient Indigenous and Native traditions the sacred fire ceremonies have always been regarded as highly sanctimonious, serving essential healing transformations through transfigurations and transmutations in honour and gratitude of the great Fire Spirit, offering gifts of tremendous relinquishment, releasing, reconnection, re-stabilization and rebirthing in the deep reflectiveness of healing within one’s self.
These ancient teachings allow us to understand the importance of releasing all misaligned and misplaced essences that are momentously created and generated from our experiences, actions, thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, emotions, wounds and imprints, in which are restrictively limiting us from attuning into harmonious alignment with our most divine selves.
These ceremonial teachings are ancestrally offered throughout celebratory milestones such as celebrating the journey of one’s life, celebrating and mourning the conquests, defeats and triumphs of tribal battles, celebrating the hunts, gatherings, forges and agricultural enrichment, the mending and peace bonding of tribal feuds and performing sacred rites of passage.
While releasing the great intention at the commencement of the fire ceremony within the soulful scripture tongue of the spirits, welcoming the guides, ancestors, allies and compassionate helpers who are of the highest primordial light into the fire ceremony, these sacred ceremonies consist of many different journeys as the spirits guide and call forward throughout the navigation of the healing ceremony and celebration. These gifted messages and journeys given by the spirits consist of many different elements of profound consideration and intention on where the most prosperous reconnection to oneself and tribe is being presented forward, with each gifted message and journey being equally powerful in measure.
These sacred messages and journeys are always wholesomely purposeful in leading us to a more innate and in-depth interconnection to the Soul self, with the intention of bringing us back into harmonious resonance, as the intention of these journeys is to distinguish on where we are living out of congruency with our highest self, in where the spirits are offering us this beautiful gift in aligning us to the embracement of our Soul’s wisdom, shifting us back into the remembrance of harmonious living, re-igniting our soul’s joy of curiosity and fulfillment with every gift given sacredly aligning to our soul’s sacred purpose and design.
These gifts impactfully guiding us to reconnect to the earth, playing within the elements of the earth and allowing the Great spirits to facilitate their deepest expressions towards the reconnection and rootedness back to self, each gift varying differently for each soul, at times, the purity will reveal and guide what needs to be extracted and released from their soullular™️ dimensional self and/or what needs to be retrieved through soul retrieval in recalling the soul essences back into reunification to the Soul, while also releasing the essences of those that do not sovereignly belong to us throughout the reclamation of our full sovereign power and healing.
In échange throughout the beginning, during and ending of the ancient ceremonial traditions, the offering of intentions, gifts and thankfulness of the Fire Spirit is a celebratory offering, honouring the reverent gratitude and sacredness of the ceremony given, these sweet gifts of love are often sweet grass, herbs, SEMAA, sage, cedar, pine, fruits, vegetables, sentimental belongings, and any gifts of true sacred meaning.
These ancient scriptures allow us to understand the importance of these releases and rebirthings as their intention is to bring us into harmonious alignment with our highest self, this is why these ceremonies are even more relevant in todays worldly shifts and how the power of these ceremonies are beyond beneficial as the Sacred Fire transmutes all of what is no longer serving us with thankfulness and appreciation in transmuting the experienced essence back into the Light to create beautifully once again.
These powerful ceremonies should always be conducted by a Shaman, Elder or the Fire Keeper as this fire ceremony should only be spiritually held by a practitioner with masterful knowledge in fire transmutation and how to hold the energetic space for profound healing.

In Sacred Fiery Spirit🔥,
Roxanne Chaput