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Illuminative Leadership Stewardship is a high level of stewardship that is a dedicated space for cultivating individuals who are proactively driving community projects, and disruptive conscious modelling leadership as progressive change agents within their local and global communities.


Over the last decade, Roxanne has worked consulting executives in medium to large non-profit and for-profit conscious organizations around human capital development, organization efficiency, operational excellence, and engaging for purpose community solutions ensuring the level of progressive accountability through integrous leadership is being driven for sustainable change where communities recalibrate in powerful regenerative ways seeing sustainable eco driven solutions that support the local and global economy, diversity and equality. 


As such Roxanne working with thousands of global leaders has cultivated a model of conscious integrous disruptive leadership that refines and speaks to the multidimensional aspects of what true conscious leadership is and how that is emanated from community leaders through transparent actions, accountability, and forward-thinking engagement where leadership is not held in silo actions, but collaborative from the grassroots up ensuring that all change held is done in the integrity of the entire community benefiting not simply the profit bottom line.


Dynamic disruptive leadership is a space that is not widely spoken about in the divine temperance it deeply holds with compassion, congruency, and tenacity rebuilding communities without volatility, combativeness, segregation, or division on any level. 


Disruptive leadership is the space where integrity is a foundational pillar of brand advocacy at a personal, professional, and corporate interconnectedness that is how leaders consciously map solutions for humanity in all sectors held in the highest regard that harmonious balance is needed between honouring individuals' contributions to the legacy building as much as the emphasis that collaborative co-creational focus is key from stewarding successfully as an illuminative leader in congruency of unification of the heart and brain connectivity, rooted in inner standing that the be an illuminative leader you are a path cutter, path creator and that to lead efficiently is to own the multidimensional healing pathways of elevation needed to execute higher proximity of leadership that humanity calls for whilst a failing system of corruption, dichotomy, and instability continues to fall away that does not reflect the people nor the future sustainability of individual and collective sovereignty.

Illuminative leadership legacy building starts by looking inward first, identifying the blind spots within your dynamic presence of how you address life through multidimensional healing solutions through resolving unmet trauma, pain body responses, intergenerational, generational, soulful past life, relationship dynamics, communications styles, self-empowerment, emotional intelligence, mental agility, conflict resolutions, human capital development through attitude and aptitude development tools that honour the individual than space holding or space-filling.

Illuminative leadership building is the space held where you are not where you once held yourself, but also the knowledge that to elevate to a capacity required through your multidimensionality you need to develop your own multisensory, multidimensional self in ways unknown to you that ultimately bequests you. Multidimensional leadership is held in speaking to the sage wisdom of knowing you are a multidimensional being and that to be a catalyst for change as an illuminative leader, you must address the aspects of your dis-eased states of being through the rewiring of emotional, and mental, physical, energetic, spiritual divine temperance of how you hold yourself in all ways so you can witness the communities you deeply advocate for and within seismic shifts for legacy rebuilding.


This is done by identifying unmet, unresolved wounding held within light bodies, bio-metrics, cellular -soullular™ memory, and soul signature repatriation being called to be recalibrated in full liberty. Addressing unresolved divine masculine and divine feminine wounds that are systemic through all relationships not just professional encounters enables a merging of the Aether and Earth once more within you as a foundational space of congruency where you know the valour of no one part of your existence is weighted more than the other and to be in harmonious flow as an illuminative leader you must continue to lean into the aspects of self where distortion, fear or separation resides so you can nurture in return back to wholeness once more within your soul signature, light bodies and divine presence so you can be the Invictus mirror to this as a community leader of earth.


Dismantling aspects of the multidimensional self is the intersection in the intentional self-ownership of congruency in knowing that every layer, and aspect of the entirety of who you are is constantly changing, and for it to be at a level of prosperous fortitude then one must not shy away from addressing the parts that often are hidden from view for fear of how they will be perceived in full proximity view of community, family and loved ones.

In sacred stewardship of the self, is honouring also that whatever an individual is moving through in life emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, professionally, personally, intimately, or energetically no degree of separation resides. When an aspect of healing, perspective shift, communication style, or relationship healing is brought to the forefront, financial freedom, safety, sustainability, or personal growth that is not being held as it should it will bleed into your leadership. It will impact how you show up and hold yourself and others accountable for driving sustainable change. This is why when we hold the space to witness illuminative leadership we don't focus intently only on one aspect, we are constantly refining through agility the dismantlement of the old whilst welcoming the expansion of the new.

Illuminative Leadership Stewardship

  • This is the path, this is the elevation of why you are here now - ready to upshift. Honouring Roxanne’s unwavering commitment in the capacity of what she holds, stewards, and provides through universal sovereign solutions of the world’s most esteemed and pioneering Conscious Leaders, Business Leaders, and Conscious Luminaries, to gain access to this leadership stewardship is by application.


    The integrity of this exchange is rooted in reciprocity and integrity that Roxanne prides herself in aligning with those ready to level up whilst taking full self-ownership in being self-sustaining in the ongoing development of their self-healing mastery outside of the stewardship for dynamic solutions. Roxanne has found over the years the most successful leaders who lean into her stewardship are hungry to experience more of life with meaning, intentionality, purpose, and a keen eye to leave a legacy that generations to come inherit a planet far better steeped in compassion, unity and love far greater than inherited from previous generations and discombobulated leaders.


    To apply for this six-month intensive 1-1 stewardship please fill in the inquiry form expressing what it is you seek by coming to work so intimately with Roxanne. Once the inquiry form is submitted, Roxanne will have her team schedule a meeting to discuss the leadership pathways and congruency of alignment to ensure this illuminative leadership stewardship is a reciprocal space where everyone thrives, which is the integrity of how Roxanne holds herself in her life stewardship.


    The methodologies, modalities, and progressive shamanic, universal, Indigenous ancient wisdom shared are unparalleled intentionally with those who will hold in the highest reverence it already permeates across the globe through the leaders Roxanne already has led in progressive illuminative leadership containers globally to continuously reflect the integrity Roxanne seeks out in those she stewards.The time is now if you feel the call to explore how this Illuminative Leadership Stewardship can exponentially speak to parts of you ready for regenerative, progressive disruption taking you to levels of your own soul mastery, self-healing, self-actualised mastery so you can lead in ways of this world beyond this world - submit the inquiry form today.


    Please note that depending on your provincial/state and/or federal financial tax laws and regulations, most personal and professional development mentorship programs can be considered a business expenditure (please check with your local and federal law regulations) depending on global geographical location. Payment plans are offered to successful leaders joining this six-month sacred stewardship. To inquire about the payment options please raise this in the 1-1 call with Roxanne on submission of the request for this unparalleled offering.

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