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The elixir of life is the misunderstood alchemy of the ages, where humanity has traversed the edges of Beloved Mother Earth in pursuit of eternal wisdom. This quest is often misconstrued as a power that can dictate and enforce laws, creating a distorted perception of holy control. In truth, the true elixir of life is the lifeblood—representing the sacred masculine and sacred feminine, a harmonious union that embodies the essence of love, unity, purity, and sovereignty. This eternal flow of primordial waters of creation resides within the temples of existence, serving as the birthing chamber of oneness.


It is not a commodity that can ever be quantified, for creation cannot be measured or monopolized out of greed, control, or deception. Such attempts will always have an expiry date when veils are lifted, agendas are revealed, and deceit is exposed for what it truly is.


Primordial awakening transcends merely recognizing your soul's innate lineage, magnificence, and intuitive abilities. It involves understanding that you are a soul incarnate in this human form, here and now. This awakening signifies the return of the divine spark, the god seed, and the sovereign freedom chosen by your soul for this incarnation.


It is about reclaiming the fragments of your soul and seeds of creative light that have been lost, hidden, or forgotten, as you strive to return to the essence of your true divine nature—the original soul light that emanated from the Divine within this universal time matrix. Repatriation becomes essential when the soul is ready.


The human experience ignites a process of dismantling the obstructive layers formed through dense and ethereal experiences. This journey involves navigating the complexities of being a soul that has already attained a level of mastery through multiple incarnations, enabling freedom, and a mission to support communities and individuals in achieving higher levels of consciousness.


This process is not merely metaphorical; it is literal. Where darkness exists, light is born. Where light is manifest, shadows and darkness dissolve back into it. As conscious Creators of our reality, we engage with planetary systems, elemental wisdom, and the profound regeneration of stellar, cosmic, galactic, and universal remembrance. Once we awaken to this new understanding, we can never return to old ways.


Welcome to the elixir of life—primordial awakening.


You identify as a servant-leader, dedicated to serving others, yet you feel a void, sensing a calling to a deeper, sacred form of service unlike any you have pursued before. This calling urges you to distance yourself from oppressive systems, structures, and institutional models rooted in anarchy, terror, war, scarcity, and fear that hinder humanity's potential to thrive as stewards of the Earth.


Your life experiences resonate deeply and are reflected in the body of work you have cultivated so far. However, you sense that your soul has even more to offer in terms of service and recalibration for humanity. In genuine repatriation, Mother Earth calls on you to advocate for her and collaborate with her to guide humanity from outdated practices to a renewed path of light, harnessing the raw, uninhibited energy of primordial Christ Consciousness.


This energy is ready to be woven into the Earth's electromagnetic grids to support humanity today and for generations to come. As a conscious disruptor, you are prepared to elevate your realms of light so individuals, regardless of their geographical location, can access your wisdom, alchemy, and the profound presence of love, humility, grace, and benevolence. You will showcase the power of acceptance, forgiveness, and the surrendering of perceptions rooted in dichotomy, division, segregation, and war.


These elements are essential for removing the deeply entrenched mechanisms that have dishonoured the human spirit, Mother Earth, and the unity of creation as children of the Universal Divine Light. With the powerful wisdom you have gained throughout your journey, you are now ready to accelerate the passage of time by rising within your divine temple of soul light—your god seed, god self, and god spark.


You will build bridges where barriers once stood, fiercely expanding your leadership, self-leadership, and the multifaceted leadership you embody in your work, business, and personal relationships, as a Creator and Creatrix of universal freedom. In the next 12 months, you will expedite the pathways you walk, govern, and protect through perfect peace, as you rewild your vibrant heart and express the song of your soul.


Roxanne will oversee your journey through weekly 90-minute recorded sessions, beginning with illuminating where you currently stand and identifying the blind spots that inhibit your progress.


This dismantlement is essential to unleash the full spectrum of your innate divine power, not only through spoken words but also through the illuminating presence of your wisdom across your multidimensional selves. Recognizing that to speak of the necessary changes means to know the actions required to embody them, you will learn to hold these actions within congruent self-honouring boundaries that support you emotionally, mentally, and physically as you anchor more of your soul's essence into your human existence.


You will receive self-inquiry prompts and reflective points to continue your personal development, as well as key codes of creational light that you are navigating at the end of each session. This will further encourage the self-sustaining development of your conscious awareness while strengthening your inner unification with your soul star, earth star, and primordial awakening, expressed within your human capacity to live courageously, confidently, and passionately.


Roxanne will be available to you during business hours via email and text for support Monday through Friday throughout this stewardship, which represents a hands-on year-long innovation for you as an alchemist of your fated soul purpose, elevation, and co-creation of primordial god-sovereign liberty and love.


Monthly and quarterly goals are crucial to the elevation of your growth across dimensions—cross-dimensionally, inter-dimensionally, and multi-dimensionally—across the core aspects of your life path, mastery, and the emergence of your self-actualized outcomes.


You will unlock crystalline keys of creation, accessing wisdom for the acceleration of your embodiment. This curated passage provides unparalleled access; it is not a cookie-cutter approach, but rather a declaration of your independence, elevation, and reclamation of your birthright to cultivate, manifest, and live a path of mastery.


You will guide humanity to see that the divine reflection of change is one of sustainability and longevity, granted to those who consistently show up with integrity, take action, and back themselves.


Everything you seek in this eternal now is already alive, bridging worlds, reunifying hearts, and returning home to yourself in transformative ways—activated beyond this world. Your divinity is not up for negotiation. Your reconnection to that purity is your soul's birthright in all aspects.

Sacred Sovereign Stewardship

  • This immersive 12-month container of sacred stewardship will delve into the highlighted aspects below, aligning with what your soul seeks and what humanity requires for your highest embodied elevation;


    Business, Career Remastered

    The professional landscape you steward in community circumference both locally and globally is brought into awareness where aspects are ready to elevate and expand by your human capital development, emotional reciprocity, business profitability, and divine service where you feel deeply congruently aligned to how you consciously disrupt building the new.


    Financial Freedom

    Elevation of your connection to energetic synergy and how that sustains you expands you all the while keeping you in the humility of your humanity. Connecting to new wealth generation paradigms of soul expression that are honourable, and self-respecting where you do not need to compromise the seat of your soul to live courageously, confidently, and powerfully upon the earth.


    Mastering the True "Elixir" of Life

    Through direct access to Roxanne's primordial Creator consciousness teachings, she shares the pure universal sovereignty "Lifes Elixir" through the intensional pathway stewardship in what it is to be a star human, accessing continuous states of embodied bliss, higher dimensional sage magi wisdom of the ancients of the Earth as much as the celestial kingdoms of creation through you as a soul navigating the vastness of what it is to be a multidimensional human.


    As such, you gain access to wisdom that is not of mainstream conscious teachings or found on social media - you gain direct access to unlocking soul keys of creation that Roxanne holds divine templates of creation with. Powerful right?


    The purpose of this primordial elixir direct access consciousness mapping is to accelerate healing pathways, align soul purpose, and activate through grounded somatic rootedness a higher embodied state of soul mastery within your human expression manifesting a life of deep congruency and success.


    Expeditious Change

    Through intensional curated artisan teachings, group facilitation with years of progressive multi-sensory, multi-dimensionality global self-development literature, international mentorship, progressive disruptive cutting-edge stewardship, and all-encompassing holistic therapeutic interventions with exponential instant and sustainable longevity activations held in the heart, mind, body, and soul wisdom through all-encompassing healing deeply anchored into a one-week immersion that transcends the retreat space and carries you through the next passage of your souls self-healing mastery. 


    Regenerative Healing

    This deep-dive immersive space will bring you to a profound state of regenesis, through a comprehensive alignment with daily curated intensional workshops, and immersive transcendental breathwork meditative sessions, cellular DNA soullular™ activations throughout your multi-sensory, multidimensional alignment of being a star human. The purpose of intensionally curated experiences is to optimize the exchange of what this week-long journey underpins with exponential personal, professional, and intimate relating with yourself as much as the divine reflection of the world around you elevating you in ways beyond the seen and unseen allowing for lasting catalyst changes that amplify your strengths and develop your blind spots into new waves of self-actualized mastery. Regenerative, recalibrating relaxing states of ease with grace open you ultimately up to new dimensional wisdom previously untapped yet ready for reclaiming through your own soul's expression within your human sacred vessel in this eternal now moment.


    Multi-sensory, Multidimensional Healing

    When a soul incarnates into physical density as a human the complexity of being a human is such a profound expression that has not been throughout humanity's history spoken into the hues of its power in the respectful congruency exchange it should. To begin to innerstand these dynamics is to self-honour the level of soul mastery already acquired throughout the lineages of the soul incarnational soul contracts previously held to divine Mother Earth. As such humans are circumnavigating multiple sensory bodies, emotional expressions, soul wisdom, and torrid field orbital shifts within their own electromagnetic alignments to creation, and that of the collective consciousness of humanity as much as cosmic, galactic, and universal higher states of creational god spark Creator codex in any now moment. To activate the full proximity of one multidimensionally within the enrichment of the unique powerhouse of your own identity in a harmonic alliance to the elixir of life is to shed the confinements of all the conditional fear-based programming of inorganic light, societal projections, and incongruencies that do not reflect your own true Creator consciousness. 


    Roxanne's exponential expertise in stewarding you through these passages unlocks density locks and inorganic programming to reveal your true state of divine expression that honours who you are inside and out with all that you touch, create, and hold sacred intensionally in the life you live, lead and love. To witness the self-actualization in what it is to be a multidimensional being is to honour the full spectrum of emotional intelligence through inner unification to divine intelligence as much as the sentient light force of curiously juggling daily the different divine expressions that are all needed to hold ourselves in the highest integrity, consistency and humility when co-creating within humanity regardless of our life path trajectory. Self-healing mastery is the foundational platform that provides the continuous shifts of multidisciplinary living. 

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