Deceptions of light masquerading as the light is the very truth, not all those that say or represent themselves as walking in & with the light are rightfully so. Always use discernment through your knowingness of what you feel is your innate truth and what your Soul is expressing to you as it channels through as uneasiness uncertainty, apprehension, icky resistance, repulsion and so forth. Words, actions can be used as mere tactics + strategies of manipulation in “having” your highest interest in mind & heart however within the shadows these energies do not have the intention of purity of love, as they are distanced from the Creator’s light, the Light always speaks with deep reverence of truth and clarity when asked.
In being a global conscious leader and stewarding thousands of beautiful beings in reconnecting to their intuitive voice, it is of great importance to continually strengthen & refine your intuitive knowingness + your detector of divine truth as you connect to divine intelligence and the energies that surround you on a daily basis. Cultivation of your perception in what feels in direct connection of the light is about asking your Soul & Guides to share their wisdom further with great clarity on where the intentions lie as the intentions within the energy never lies when asked directly to the Soul. The pathways of energy will never lie when speaking directly to the highest light to present itself forward.
Remember, Intention is everything, PERIOD. When questioning the intentions of the energy, ask yourself is it adding heart + soul filling value to your life without consequence of an undesirable exchange?
In sacred stewardship of the Light,