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Your Soul’s Wisdom✨

Updated: Aug 18

Your Soul’s wisdom is exactly where you left it, within the cellular and soullular™️ pathways of your existence, everything here in this now moment serves you as a tool to unlock these inner pathways of remembrance, you possess all of the keys to unlock this inner wisdom as your Soul memory holds absolutely everything from your past, present and future life cycles within all of your multidimensionality.

In the recollection and remembrance of self, your path is far from a journey of instant gratification and expediency however is a journey of teachings in which each teaching reveals a new part of your innate divine wisdom.

You are not meant to have all of the extensions to the answers in this now moment, this is the intention of your journey, the power of the ever unfolding magic of your experience. Your power of choice over your journey is for you to intentionally choose to continue following the whispers of your Soul’s guidance while staying forward on your sacred path and purpose.

Your purpose is not one simple element of your existence, your purpose is the entirety of your existence in the now and in the aether. You have chosen to come here in this dimensional plane to innerstand through your experience an aspect of your multidimensional self, this is the carrying out of your Soul’s sacred purpose. You have the power to intentionally choose to unlock your remembrance of eternal divine wisdom✨.

In Sacred Wisdom of Eternal Love,


Roxanne Chaput

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16 août
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Brilliantly written!

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